
July 2024

finally... in my new flat ! whohoooo !! now... everything needs to be unpacked (if you could see my atelier... it looks more like Amazon warehouse...
BUT, in the middle of all this i was able to prepare septembre back to school!
ANNNNNND i was able to set up a GREAT sticker packs. Unfortunately, leaving in holidays at the end of the week, it will only be available during... 3 days.
So you guys need to be fast

>>> Can be found here <<<

June 2024

same old story... new flat is ready to welcome me, hehe. Can't wait.

May 2024

still preparing and packaging my stuff... Could drop some stuff and created 2 visuals but not as many as i would have wanted.

April 2024

this month i worked a lot on my new flat installation but i kept time for the new step of _paris_perdu_ project, means... dropping my art around in Paris, at night.

i've been using pieces of furnitures i found around, abandoned in the streets (and trust me, it's not hard to find here, in the city of dying light), as physical support for my artworks.

>> You can find them here <<

To be honest, i was surprised people had interest in those pieces. I was thinking that i would be lucky if someone took at least one of them but... not at all : in less than 1 night, each time... everything was taken. wow.

I m gonna continue, then.

March 2024

i've managed to continue working hard on visuals even if i m in the middle of logistic mess :D. I was thinking of creating some stickers pack. Still not sure when i ll be able to launch them, but i guess i m definitely give it a try !
stay tuned :)

Feb 2024

so so so so...
i haven't added news recently on social networks for one good reason : I'm moving to another flat in like one month and, well, long story short : it takes time !

I worked on the furniture plan for my future flat, including meh new workshop. i m packing all meh shit, taking care of bank, insurance, internet suscriptions and all other boring shit of this kind.
And all that necessary shit takes time, so i have to put Paris Perdu on hold.

That's said, 2024 will clearly be full of new exciting things ! i have now a clear idea of how i m gonna professionnalise this project. and for this... and even in middle of allll this mess (i ain't doing nothing) i've been preparing loooootta creative stuff, so once i m back in april, i do not waste time and turn fast this "news" part into a "shop" one.

roughly added bellow... i share with u guys some visuals i've prepared. not all, but... some of them, to give ya an idea on what will happen.

can't wait !